Saturday, 24 January 2009

Celebrity Big Brother 2009: Ulrika-ka-ka-ka!

What a bizarre decision. Ulrika Jonsson, easily the most miserable celebrity in the Big Brother house, who allegedly negotiated a stellar £170,000 fee to appear, somehow wins the whole thing? To be honest, it was a pretty thin choice on the last day, but surely Terry Christian should have won? Y'know, the guy who actually subverted our expectations that he's an irritating loudmouth, for the most part? I know some people thought Vern Troyer should win, but that was more down to some kind of "sizeist guilt". He actually did very little (no pun intended) in the house, although his drunken scooter moment was one of very few highlights this year.

I mean, come on, beyond her very funny duet with Vern two weeks ago, can you think of anything Ulrika did to deserve a win? Maybe that's just what happens on Big Brother now: the person who least annoys the audience walks away victorious? It worked for inoffensively boring Rachel Rice on BB9 last summer. It just confuses me that voters think the woman being paid a fortune to sit around and grumble about not seeing her kids deserved to win this!