Friday, 13 February 2009

HOTLIGHT: Amanda Righetti

The Hotlight is a new feature to DMD, where I draw your attention to a particularly foxy lady appearing on British screens in the coming week. It's not a tenuous reason to upload a few sexy photos to usher in the weekend, oh no. First up is American actress AMANDA RIGHETTI, 25, who is amongst the semi-naked prey of Jason Vorhees in the Friday The 13th remake (the ideal Valentine's date movie, clearly.) Amanda also appeared in the comedy Role Models and has been gracing TV screens as Grace Van Pelt in The Mentalist. Quite strangely, Amanda's only appeared on FHM's 100 Sexiest Women list twice (#59 in '05 and #84 in '06). I'm predicting she'll get a much higher ranking in 2009's list, don't you agree?