Friday, 20 February 2009

Review Shuffle

Just briefly, there's so much television stuffed into the UK/US schedules right now, that I'm forced to prioritize and re-shuffle my viewing habits:

Shows I'll Definitely Review Every Week:
Lost, 24, Battlestar Galactica, Heroes, Being Human, Mad Men, Chuck*

Shows I'll Review, But May Get Delayed:
Free Agents, Pushing Daisies, Dollhouse, Fringe, Flight Of The Conchords, Damages**

Shows I'll Try To Review, But May Fall Behind With:
Life On Mars (US), Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles***

As some shows finish, this will free up time to persue other reviews. Being Human, Free Agents and BSG won't be around in the schedules for long.

* Y'know, when Virgin1 get it into their thick fucking skulls that British fans (particularly the geeky demographic likely to be loyal to Chuck) won't wait nearly a year for new episodes. By the time my backlog of reviews hit the blog, will there be anyone in the UK who hasn't torrented season 2?

** I'm of the opinion that Damages works better as a season overview (a la The Wire), so I may be briefer in my episodic reviews after episode 3 -- or perhaps do double-bills? I'm not sure right now. I'll try to continue as normal. But season 3 will very likely be a DVD box-set review!

*** In fact, considering the US mid-season break has meant Virgin1 are now just a few weeks behind Fox, expect these reviews to resume at the UK pace. Unless you'd all prefer US-pace, even with delays. Let me know below!