Monday, 2 February 2009

Yvonne Strahovski... in 3-D!

Oh, you lucky Americans. Tonight's episode of Chuck has been filmed in 3-D, so if you have the obligatory red/blue glasses, you'll be able to enjoy "Chuck Versus The Third Dimension" in three-dimensions. That's right, the delightfully sexy Yvonne Strahovski will be beamed straight into your livingroom... although I'm probably exaggerating the 3-D experience. It's a Star Trek-style holodeck deal, right?

If you happen to have a stray pair of 3-D glasses lying around now, check out Chuck's 3-D promo that aired during yesterday's Super Bowl, too:

Still no definitive word on when Virgin1 will start showing Chuck's second season in the UK, sadly -- beyond "the spring". Time to scour eBay for some funky glasses and hit the torrents, I reckon...