Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Talking Point: Do you still use old technology?

The modern world advances at a lightning pace, and in no other area is that more apparent than domestic technology. But, there are some who refuse to join the 21st-century and instead stick to old-school technology. So, are you still playing vinyl records? Do you use video+ to record things? Is your phone a Nokia 8310? Or worse, have you never owned a mobile phone? Do you have VHS tapes proudly on display? Still fax? Spend more time on a ZX Spectrum than the PS3? Maybe you have more understandable techie concerns -- like refusing to upgrade to DAB radio, HD TV or Blu-ray? If so, why?

I'd love to hear what outmoded equipment people are still using, particularly if there's a valid reason for doing so (like the argument vinyl's better than CD because the audio's not compressed.) If you care to share, then leave a comment below.