Thursday, 19 November 2009

Virgin1 buy Trauma & Warehouse 13

The subject header says it all, really. Virgin1 are increasing their US drama lineup with Syfy's Warehouse 13 (about two secret service agents tracking down supernatural objects) and NBC's medical drama Trauma. Virgin1 will show season 1 of Warehouse 13 (which has already aired on The Sci-Fi Channel in the UK), and have the first-run rights to season 2.

Amy Barham, Virgin Media TV's Head Of Acquisitions:

"Trauma's incredibly high production values and high-octane action coupled with the quirky, fun and imaginative world of Warehouse 13 help give Virgin 1 a really strong line-up for next year."
I can't say I'm impressed by these purchases. Warehouse 13 was so bad I didn't make it through the pilot episode, and the 13-part Trauma has already been cancelled in the States. Surely it would have made more marketing sense for Virgin to buy... V, for obvious reasons?