Thursday, 17 December 2009

State of the Blog: festive breather

The television waters are beginning to calm as we approach Christmas, with many shows going on winter hiatus, or ending for the year. Of course, that means we'll soon be entering a whirlpool of festive specials and repeats...

As usual, I'll be taking a fortnight's break from regular blogging over the seasonal period (21 Dec - 3 Jan), but will still chip in with occasional reviews of Christmas treats*. By "break" I just mean I probably won't post every single day, although things are likely to get back to relative normality by the 28th. Probably.

January will again feature my traditional ways to cap the preceding year: the return of the always popular SEXIEST WOMEN ON TV as a winter treat (well, if you're so inclined) and my TOP TV OF 2009 list. It's been a bumper year, with more TV reviewed here than ever before, so the list will have likely doubled in size from 2008!

My super-poll trying to find THE GREATEST TV SHOWS OF THE '00s will also reach its conclusion on 17 January, so stay tuned for the results and vote now if you haven't already. I wonder what the hive-mind will rank as the best show of the decade. I'll also be regaling you all with my TOP 15 MOVIES OF THE '00s very soon.

You may have noticed more non-review posts going up recently, too -- news, polls, videos, etc -- which is a result of (a) less TV around to review, and (b) a renewed effort to bring variety to DMD. I'm only ever persuaded to continue things if it seems people are interested in them, so was pleased to see such healthy response to my "Most Watched US TV Shows In The '00s" post in particular.

* Regarding that, I'll be suggesting 12 TV treats to watch over the holiday period in my festive special at Watch this space.