Thursday, 25 February 2010

Odeon drop Alice boycott

I guess it had to happen with a projected £40m at stake for Disney, so here comes news that Odeon have reached an agreement with Disney to show Alice In Wonderland. Odeon's statement:

"Odeon and UCI Cinema group is pleased to announce that, following detailed negotiations with the Walt Disney Company Ltd, an enduring agreement has been reached encompassing all the different aspects of both companies' commercial relationship. Odeon is pleased to announce that it will now be showing Alice in Wonderland beginning March 5 in its cinemas in the UK, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Portugal and Austria."

"As a result of this agreement, Odeon is pleased to confirm that it will be able to continue with its plans for significant investment in new cinemas, in digital technology in 3D capability and the other exciting developments designed for the increased enjoyment of all its customers."
I have no idea what what caused this U-turn, as I assume Disney still intend to fast-track Alice's DVD/Blu-ray release, but they must have offered Odeon some kind of financial sweetener. A bigger cut of theatrical revenues to compensate for the loss of five weeks business, perhaps? We can only speculate. But it's great news for your average moviegoer who just wants to see the film as quickly as possible, in 3D.