Monday, 1 March 2010

Gremlins in the machine

I'm sure it won't be a major ongoing issue, but there are a few technical issues today, which is why this month's DVD/Blu-ray Releases post went up this morning but had to be taken down (although it's still accessible via Feedreaders.) I've recently upgraded my Blogger dashboard to take advantage of extra features/improvements, but it's proving annoyingly pernickety about HTML coding -- so "complicated" posts like the DVD/Blu-ray one (lots of images, big fonts) sometimes go screwy and cause the main page to only part-load, etc. It's a pain. I will hopefully find the cause of the problem and repost March's DVD/Blu-ray rundown this evening, or else find a less complex way to design that page. Update: Well, the page is up, sans some graphics.