Wednesday, 3 March 2010

I'm wired(eux)

If you follow my Twitter, you'll know that I received The Wire Season 2 (Disc 1) last weekend, so I'm going to be slowly making my way through that show. I currently have a few gaps in my schedule, which it can help plug. I could go to night school and learn Spanish, of course, but I think I need to learn more about Baltimore's criminal underbelly. I'm not sure how quickly I'll get through the five discs, but I'm estimating I'll be done sometime around mid-April, and will get cracking on a seasonal review. I'm only mentioning it here because I continue to get the odd comment or e-mail urging me to continue with The Wire (following my Season 1 review), so I've decided to stop this war of attrition by... well, giving in to your demands. Happy?