Thursday, 4 March 2010


Thursday is becoming a customary "slow day" here, mainly because I've pushed my Mad Men and Damages reviews back till Fridays, to fine-tune my writing and watch the show in HD, respectively. On the plus side, I suppose it means Thursday is (temporarily) the perfect time to offer up more diverse content, or maybe post a film review. I have a critique of Up I've been polishing for a few weeks, so maybe I'll upload that later today. An appraisal of Zombieland may also go up before its UK release, with a chance for you all to win a copy on disc, too.

I've also had a strange urge to review Howard The Duck this week, because it suddenly got mentioned everywhere I turned (ever had that happen?) Awhile back it was mentioned that reviews of old films would be appreciated -- as more people have seen older films and have stronger opinions on them than new releases. Well, opinions that have had more time to be sharpened, at any rate. I've wanted to tackle The Matrix trilogy and Alien sagas for a looong time now, but never seem to find the time. It's also the 25th anniversary of Back To The Future this summer (how scary is that?), so I will definitely aim to review that wonderful trilogy. I'd hoped a timely Blu-ray anniversary release would appear for BTTF, but no such luck.

TV-wise; I'm still really enjoying The Good Wife (Julianna Margulies is so good I'm angry with myself for never seeing her on ER), I'm a few episodes into The Wire Season 2 (awaiting disc 2), and the rest you know about from my blogs. It's possible I'll get my mitts on Glee's Season 1 Volume 1 DVD soon, to review the extra features -- similarly to how I tackled Misfits' DVD a few months ago -- but there's no firm word yet.

Anything else? Well, I hope you've voted in my inaugural Face-Off poll that ends in a few days (it's a "battle of the cheerleader" this week[*]), and there'll be a special film-related poll going up Saturday. Oh, and don't anyone adjust their screens, I have indeed reverted to a smaller Arial font for the blog's text. You know me, I can never decide what looks best. Smaller text looks more "professional" and saves valuable space; bigger is easier to read and I prefer how italics and quotation marks look in a larger font. Yeah, I'm anal.

[*] It's neck-and-neck currently, so every vote matters.