Sunday, 22 January 2012

I'm back...

... so things around here should hopefully return to relative normality fairly soon. Thanks to everyone who sent me their kind thoughts about my dad and his cancer—either here, on Twitter, or even by e-mail. I didn't reply to everyone individually, but everything was read and I was touched that so many people offered their support and a kind thought.

Blog-wise, things will undoubtedly change for the near-future. I won't be reviewing as many things, certainly not weekly, and anything that airs at weekends will be prone to delay. I may have to either "capsule" review things more (i.e. shorter reviews), or "double-bill" reviews (i.e write two short reviews covering two episodes). A few short-run shows may also get reviewed as a season/series once they're OVER, rather than episodically. My favourite shows will be the ones that suffer least, most likely.

But there's no hard and fast rule. Some weeks I'll be glad of a distraction with DMD, others it'll feel like a burden I'll have to put aside. I'm sure everyone understands, and I was pleased to see that page-hits didn't take a significant fall over my unscheduled break, too! (This does tend to happen, strangely! Maybe I should stop blogging more often?!) Please do keep checking back here, if only to browse my five-year archive.

I plan to catch-up with Chuck, Alcatraz and Being Human USA over the next few days...