Saturday, 26 May 2012

Sorry, I'll be away for awhile (updated)

Just a quick blog to say I'm away for awhile now. I definitely won't be able to blog until Monday at the earliest because I'll be in Wales. (Next week's TV Picks are going up automatically.) I'll have to play next week by ear, too. I'm not reviewing much TV right now, so it probably won't be beyond my abilities to keep on top of Mad Men and Hit & Miss. Just expect a few delays here and there, together with a lack of incidental posts. You can follow me on Twitter to get a better idea of what's going on, day to day. But there isn't too much planned. My recent Hit & Miss and Don't Trust The B**** In Apartment 23 reviews were actually automated, just to give the illusion that I'm really here and writing. Just like this blog post you're reading right now. Spooky eh?

Oh, the power of the internet...

Take care, blog y'all soon.


(P.S - Oh. As usual, perhaps take this opportunity to browse my mushrooming archive of film and TV reviews? Or leave a question for me to answer upon my return. It's up to you.)

UPDATE: For various reasons, it's now unlikely I'll be blogging until 4 June. Sorry about that. As usual, double-reviews will be the order of the day when I get back.