Saturday, 2 June 2012

I am back!

After a slightly longer than planned break, I'm officially back and raring to blog! I do hope the week-long drought wasn't too bad for you, although page-hits and comments did seem to take a serious knock. I blame the fantastic British weather last weekend, and perhaps people going away on holidays of their own in the run-up to half-term. Or maybe the Queen's Jubilee build-up had some kind of effect with native audiences, who knows.

Obviously, the lack of fresh content here didn't help, as I usually ensure there's auto-scheduled posts to keep DMD ticking over. Trouble is, there really isn't much I'm reviewing just now! So, beyond Monday's TV Picks and a belated Mad Men review on Thursday, it was radio silence for the most part.

Anyway, hope everyone hasn't vanished and were just being quiet. Things will get back to normal very, very soon. I'll perhaps have a double-review of Hit & Miss for next week, to cover the one I missed last week, for instance.

Looking ahead, I'll maybe review the sci-fi drama Continuum soon, and True Blood's fifth season starts a week tomorrow. A review of Prometheus will also be up sometime. Other shows I'm considering reviewing this summer include The Newsroom (HBO, 24 June) and Louie (FX, 28 June), depending on what the response is.

If there's an obvious lull in reviews over the summer, it may even be time to catch-up with a TV show I missed when it aired. Suggestions beyond The Wire, Veronica Mars and Buffy are most welcome!

That's it for me! How are you?