Sunday, 20 January 2013

20/01/13: That Was The Week That Was

Another fun week in blogging and social media. There was lots more MSN reviews this week, only the second full-star review in my Buffy catch-ups, my last ever review of Fringe (which came to an end simultaneously in the US and UK), I exchanged pleasantries with the director of Channel 4's Utopia on Twitter, and noted that the American writer of BBC3's abysmal Way to Go favourited some of my disparaging tweets about it. Great to see he can take a joke; shame he can't seem to write any now.

I also watched Cinemax's drama Banshee and FX's comedy Legit, but didn't feel compelled to review them anywhere. I did feel compelled to write about The Carrie Diaries, unforgivably. Suffice to say: I thought Banshee was diverting silliness that didn't scream to become regular viewing, kept alive by Anthony Starr's performance and some great stunts/visuals; while Legit was a poor-man's Louie dealing in "shock comedy" tropes that bored me. The pilot concerned getting a terminally-ill disabled virgin laid in a brothel. Oh, puh-leeze. Jim Jefferies could do so much better. At least there's plenty of time for it to improve, of course, but I don't think this kind of comedy holds much appeal to me now.