Monday, 7 September 2009

Autumn TV: revisions and additions

A few UK premiere dates have been released (some more definite than others), which have caused some knock-on revisions to my Autumn review schedule. Five are showing Flash Forward just a week after its US debut on Fox (so I'll follow at the UK-pace now). Conversely, it seems likely Heroes won't arrive on the BBC until November at the earliest (nearly two months behind NBC*) -- so I'll be sticking to the US-pace, thank you...

In addition, I wasn't very impressed by The Fixer last week, so unless it finds form very quickly in the weeks to come... expect those reviews to be quietly dropped. I gave the show a fair crack of the whip, so there's no excuse if it doesn't kick into gear and start living up to the promise of its premise.

I'll also be watching Warehouse 13 (which arrives on Sci-Fi tomorrow), so there may be some reviews if it proves memorable and worth the effort. If it's nothing to get excited about, I may still watch to be entertained, but that's it. I'll also be sure to watch the two-part Sarah Jane Adventures story starring David Tennant as The Doctor, but I have no interest in reviewing the rest of the series.** SJA starts mid-October, but The Doctor only appears in episode 5 and 6, so that'll be late-November -- possibly as an appetiser for The Waters Of Mars the same week? We'll have to see...

Incidentally, Channel 4 have announced they'll be showing season 1 of HBO's hugely successful vampire drama True Blood in October, shortly after season 1 wraps up on FX. How's everyone enjoying that show, by the way? Anyone watching who hasn't seen ahead to season 2?

* What happened there? The BBC loved promoting the short time-gap between US episodes last year. Is Heroes just not worth the effort now?

** It's not that I hate Sarah Jane Adventures, but I'm not a fan of Elisabeth Sladen as an actress, and it's too much of a children's series for me to get excited about as an adult. Sorry.