Friday 1 September 2006

Friday 1 September 2006

There has been quite a significant shift in Star Trek in recent years, by harking back to the past. Star Trek Enterprise became the first prequel series to the Original Series with William Shatner, although it struggled in the ratings and was cancelled after season 4.

The much-derided Star Trek The Motion Picture was released on DVD with specially recreated sequences and crisper special-effects... and won some acclaim from fans... and recently Lost co-creator J.J Abrams has been tasked with creating a Star Trek movie featuring younger versions of Kirk and Spock.

And now... it's just been announced that the Original Series is getting a CGI overhaul! Yes, that's right, Paramount are keen to update TOS for the HD era, by redoing all the optical effects with brand new CGI. That way, the series can be shown in HD and the visual effects won't suffer under the high-definition scrutiny.

The effects company undertaking this revamp are EdenFX, who recently worked on the Star Trek Enterprise episode "In A Mirror Darkly", where they created a quite superb original U.S.S Enterprise in CGI. For a good report on this interesting project, read more here.