Friday 12 January 2007

Friday 12 January 2007

I've been trawling the 'net again and found some more choice pics for your delectation!

Unfilmable Novels: an interesting list of some "unfilmable" novels, together with suggestions for which directors could potentially tackle them. Remember, Lord Of The Rings would have been in this category 10 years ago...

Anime Simpsons/Futurama: a talented artist posted some interesting cast drawings for The Simpsons and Futurama, with the characters drawn in the style of Japanese anime. Amazingly, 20th Century Fox have since been in touch and he could even get a job on the new Futurama episodes!

Battlestar Galactica Movie: a DVD movie planned, to bridge season 3 and 4. Of course, with US ratings on the slide, there's the very real possibility that Sci-Fi US will ditch BSG this year...

Star Trek XI: Lost creator J.J Abrams talks about his latest project, a Star Trek movie prequel...

Body Counts: ever wondered exactly how many people died onscreen in movies such as RoboCop, The Matrix and Rambo? Wonder no more...

... in the self-explanatory stakes: Top 10 Visual Effects Scenes and the Best Low-Budget Sci-Fi Of 2006.

Finally, a quick update on DMDB's plans in the near-future. The ongoing series reviews will include Prison Break season 2, Battlestar Galactica season 3, 24 season 6 and (potentially) Jericho. If anyone has a comment about the quality of Jericho, send a message!