I'm 28 today! Only two years away from the big 3-0... but a good 12 years away from the big 4-0. So it's not all bad, really.
Anyway, in a moment of interest I had a look on the IMDB to see who shares my birthday from the world of celebrity...
Keira Knightley, the sexy actress from the Pirates movies, is 21 today!
Alan Silvestri, composer of Back To The Future, is 56 today!
Martin Short, diminuitive comic actor from Innerspace, is 56 today!
Diana Ross, diva singer who used to be in the Three Degrees, is 61 today!
James Caan, legendary actor from Misery, is 66 today!
Leonard Nimoy, Star Trek's Spock, is 75 today!
So I'm with pretty good company. Particularly chuffed with the link to Keira Knightley (and Leonard Nimoy, secretly). Maybe I can use our birthday synchronicity to chat-up Ms Knightley some day.
Hmmm. Time to blow out those candles and make a wish...