Anyway, Friday's finale: which of the remaining 5 housemates actually deserves to win?
Darnell, 26
The self-loathing albino gangster virgin
The good: creative, self-deprecating, sparks debate, makes an impression on people, speaks his mind.
The bad: miserable, complex, over-analytical, argumentative, foul-mouthed, exasperating.
The ugly: his appearance, spiteful put-downs, a volatile nature.
The winner? Nah, he blew his chance because of his "woe is me" personality defect and bad-mouthing of Sara a few weeks ago.
Mikey, 33
The blind Scotsman with a fetish for women's clothes
The good: Makes funny remarks, straight-talking, sympathetic, analytical.
The bad: unfunny when he intends to amuse, annoying, stupid, hypocritical, a moaner.
The ugly: underwear fetish, creepy, gross habits.
The winner? Perhaps. Mainly because he's candid in the Diary Room and the only housemate who stands up to bully-boy Rex.
Rachel, 24
The cheerful fitness fanatic with no opinions
The good: silly, happy, emotional, excitable, caring, spirited.
The bad: naïve, immature, irritating, cowardly, vain, cloying.
The ugly: nothing, beyond her chimp-like face-pulling.
The winner? No, surely not. She's too bland and childish to appeal to most people, or crucially make a worthwhile winner.
Rex, 24
The egotistical posh ginger chef
The good: dry humour, quite witty, tries his best.
The bad: cynical, miserable, domineering, egotistical, rude, manipulative.
The ugly: constantly taunting weak housemates, sickly and overbearing relationship with girlfriend.
The winner? He had a chance long ago, but the arrival of Nicole killed that glimmer of hope, and I think most people want to see a post-eviction grilling of Rex, not a celebration of his win.
Sara, 27
The chain-smoking Aussie flirt with a nasal whine
The good: good fun, open-hearted.
The bad: emotionally-manipulative, whiny voice, irritating, loud.
The ugly: cock-tease, distracting way of pursing her lips as punctuation.
The winner? Quite likely, even though she won $25k in a task last week, mainly because she's the only housemate who's somewhat sympathetic, fun-loving and would genuinely appreciate the surprise win. If her bond with Darnell was less ambiguous and doubt-ridden (is she using him to coast to the final?), it would be easier to label her the inevitable winner.
Ultimately, this is the first Big Brother I can remember where there isn't a clear winner. I'm not sure if that's a good thing, either. One of these muppets are about to win £100,000 and a minor-celeb lifestyle -- for awhile.
There are those I'd rather see get the money (Rachel, Mikey), but there aren't many who really impacted the house in a positive and significant way. On BB, the winners are usually (a) the nicest person in the house, or (b) the person who would most appreciate winning. So, with that in mind, my money's on Sara. It's been ages since a girl won (transsexual Nadia of BB5 was the last-- and that fact's debatable, obviously), so it's long overdue.
Finally, in the run-up to the series finale on Channel 4 tomorrow, why not vote for your winner in my blog poll (top-right corner)? It closes at 8pm tomorrow.
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