David Almond's novel "Skellig" will air as a 2-hour TV special on Sky next spring, before a worldwide cinema release. The Whitbread Children's Award-winning book concerns a boy called Michael (Son Of Rambow's Bill Milner), who discovers a part-man/part-owl creature in his garden shed named Skellig (Tim Roth). Kelly MacDonald (Trainspotting) and John Simm (Life On Mars) will play Michael's parents.
Sarah Conroy, Sky's Commissioning Editor of Drama, commented:
"David Almond's much-loved novel is the perfect production to showcase Sky1's drama ambitions. Feel Films and Annabel Jankel have delivered an exceptional script that has attracted some of the best on-screen talent and we know this project will appeal to the child in all of us."
Skellig is part of Sky's £10 million investment in home-grown drama. They are also adapting Chris Ryan's novel "Strike Back" into a six-part series and Terry Pratchett's "Going Postal".