written by Scott Buck / directed by John Dahl

The bulk of this episode was taken up with the fallout from Deb witnessing her brother stick a knife into the heart of last season's Big Bad, religious zealot Travis, while he was bound to a church altar with plastic wrap. It was especially fun to see the episode tease the audience with the possibility of Debra believing Dexter's lies, or for Dexter to grab his "getaway bag" and leave the country now his big secret's been revealed to someone he can't keep quiet by killing them. It perhaps got slightly too comical how often Debra would be seen staring daggers at Dexter from afar, trying to rationalise what she saw and his iffy explanation (a momentary loss of sanity when a chance to symbolically avenge his wife's murder presented itself), but for the most part I was glad that Deb refused to let the matter rest.
It remains unfortunate that the writers never found a way for Debra to deduce that her brother's a serial killer, given that she's supposed to be a brilliant detective, but at least this premiere tried to compensate by having Deb analyse the oddities of Dexter's lifestyle and past: the fact the Ice Truck Killer (his biological brother) used the same plastic wrap ritual on her, the weirdness of Dex being so prepared to kill at the church (not to mention equable enough to dispose of the evidence in a fire with her help), and realising from her nephew's babysitter that her brother's regularly working past midnight without her knowledge. It was hardly sleuthing worthy of Colombo, but knowing the writers have previously done everything they can to maintain status quo, it was good to watch Deb on the case. The final scene, of Dexter arriving home to find his sister sitting with a table of incriminating evidence (his knives, his trophies), was a game-changing moment for the show that deserves that descriptor... and one that will hopefully trigger a final two seasons with Dexter as a dangerous and unpredictable TV series again.
Beyond the situation with Deb and Dex, most of the episode was devoid of weak subplots that regular infect this show. Dexter has always struggled to make its non-protagonist storylines involving, but there were a few interesting set-ups here. Miami Metro intern Louis (Josh Cooke), whom we know has a macabre obsession with serial killers, is rapidly making an enemy of Dexter and could be a dangerous person to annoy; Mike Anderson (Billy Brown) was shot dead by a Ukrainian hitman after discovering a body in the man's trunk one night (a shame to lose that character, as one of the few intelligent detectives); and LaGuerta (Lauren VĂ©lez) discovered one of Dexter's blood slides at the church crime scene, which she'll no doubt use to realise the Bay Harbor Butcher is back—and Sgt Doakes, whom Dexter pinned his crimes on back in season 2, can finally be posthumously pardoned (which I'm oddly pleased about).
In all the excitement of the premiere's focus on the Morgan siblings, most of this year's storyline took a back-seat but it appears to involve a Ukrainian crime syndicate led by a debonair man called Isaac Sirko (Rome's Ray Stevenson). We'll see how this develops. It could be interesting to see Dexter go up against organised crime, which is something the fifth season got close to before deciding it was ultimately about a group of sickos who've known each other since childhood. It's common for Dexter to go up against a solo serial killer who reflects his own personality in some way, so how would he cope with a professional gang of criminals on his case?
Overall, "Are You..?" delivered what I was hoping for with this premiere, by refusing to put the genie back in the bottle. Debra knows her brother's a serial killer because he's admitted it, and I assume she'll spend most of this season struggling to reconcile her feelings. As a cop, duty says her brother must go to jail for his many crimes, but it's also been foreshadowed that Deb might sympathise with vigilantism (like father like daughter?) If Dexter tells his sister the whole truth, including the fact their father Harry (James Remar) basically condoned what he's been doing, maybe that'll be enough for Deb to reconsider her position. Of course, knowing we have a guaranteed two seasons left to run, it does seem likely Deb will ultimately join forces with Dexter and maybe assist him further down the line. Unless they have another shock planned for us and Deb will find herself on Dexter's table come the finale? Or is that a step too far?
Doesn't it feel good to be so unsure of what Dexter's going to pull next? Unpredictability is such an undervalued ingredient of US drama. I just hope the writers don't lose the courage of their convictions this time, because season 5's premiere was of a similar high-standard, but didn't exemplify what followed.
- The flashback to a young Deb being denied a puppy by her father, who claimed her brother's allergic to pets but actually fears he'll kill it, was amusing to watch. It wasn't a particularly necessary part of the story (the show increasingly struggles to justify Morgan family flashbacks and Harry's Ghost), but it had its moments.
- At the end of last season, we saw Louis anonymously send Dexter the Ice Truck Killer's trophy arm through the post. I take it that was the arm we saw Debra with at the end, meaning Dexter received it? If so, wasn't he disconcerted by that delivery? I'm a little confused.