Will this happen? I somehow doubt it, but that probably means it will be officially announced as happening by the weekend. Heroes' creator Tim Kring is now working on Fox's Touch, but that show's days appear to be numbered, which would allow him to revive his biggest hit after a three or four year absence.
Obviously Microsoft are a wealthy company, so it's not unfathomable they could finance a fullblown season of Heroes that doesn't cut any corners. Netflix spent around $100m on House of Cards, and that would cover the cost of a Heroes season back in the days when it was going over budget at $4m per episode. But would Microsoft spend that amount of money on a show that even fans admit struggled creatively after season 1, and is perhaps seen as a tarnished property by the wider public? I'd expect them to spend more in the region of $30-50m for a 10-episode run.
Is anyone clamouring for more Heroes?