The three randomly-chosen winners are:
Kim Plant, Shropshire
Pete Aighton, Cullompton
Dean Gerstel, Barnsley
Congratulations! You will each receive your DVD shortly. Many thanks to all who entered!
Man, they have really managed to destroy this series. This show has spent more time on hiatus the last 4 years, then it has been on. Honestly, it's truly ridiculous how it takes so damn long for...
No DOCTOR WHO Series 10 until 2017, and Moffat's successor chosen! ~ Dan's Media Digest · 8 years ago
I may investigate a workaround for the index page thing, if that becomes an obvious drawback and I start to agree. Won't be too hard to create an index page as a 'featured' post.
No, sorry. Medium doesn't work like that. It's not a blog in the normal sense. But it has a powerful search facility, so you should be able to find anything you want by using that. Over time, the...
Could you include the "Labels" section and make the "Reviews" section an indexed one in the new site? Makes it easier to access older material that way.
I watched the preair pilot and fully intended to watch more but when the next episode came out I was already working and struggeling to keep up with everything I already watched so it just kind of...
The 9 Best Superhero Shows on TV ~ Dan's Media Digest · 8 years ago
The pilot was great, why didn't you watch more? It's a bright and fun show, which is such a tonic these days - like Flash. It has its problems, sure, but I can see it really turning into something...
The 9 Best Superhero Shows on TV ~ Dan's Media Digest · 8 years ago
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