Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Video: Fan-made LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN opening titles

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

As a big fan of Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill's LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN comics (particularly the original ones set in Victorian times), it has always pained me that the 2003 movie was such a resounding disaster (creatively and commercially). Maybe one day, enough time will have passed for Hollywood to attempt a remake, because the idea's just so brilliant. And, perhaps, fan-made videos like this one could help rekindle the flame...

Take a look at Florian Liedtke's university project, which imagines the opening titles done in the style of a "motion comic." It's so stylish and beautiful. Even his fantasy casting's spot-on! Lara Pulver as Mina, John Hurt as Quatermain, Charles Dance as Moriarty? This had better happen some day.

[source: Geeks Are Sexy]