Thursday, 18 February 2016

Frame Rated: THE X-FILES - 'Babylon'

Thursday, 18 February 2016

If you missed it yesterday, I reviewed the penultimate episode of THE X-FILES event series, "Babylon", over at Frame Rated. It was... not good.
Where to begin? I’ve perhaps been too kind to The X-Files this year, because it was a formative television show for me as a teenager, so I was prepared to cut it some slack. All of the episodes this series have had problems (with the exception of "Mulder & Scully Meet the Were-Monster", which wasn’t originally intended for the show), but this penultimate instalment is hard to defend. "Babylon" was a bizarre, tonally awkward, often rather embarrassing mishmash of ideas, and something I'd rather forget happened. The X-Files delivered far worse during its original run in the '90s, and I’m aware that only have six episodes means a bad hour seems much worse (as it drags the overall score down by 16%), but that’s no excuse for something this shoddy. Continue reading...