Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Frame Rated: BETTER CALL SAUL, 2.5 - 'Rebecca'

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Over at Frame Rated yesterday: I reviewed "Rebecca", the fifth episode of this year's BETTER CALL SAUL on AMC/Netflix.
I love how Better Call Saul fleshes out its own narrative, with glimpses of the past that inform the future (which is also, slightly confusingly, the past to fans of Breaking Bad). The opening of "Rebecca" answered the obvious question the title provokes, with a lovely vignette set during the time Jimmy (Bob Odenkirk) was working in the mailroom of HHM, as he was invited for dinner at his brother Chuck's (Michael McKean) and his wife, the eponymous violinist Rebecca (Ann Cusack). Naturally, a further question was left to swirl around our heads during all these scenes: where is Rebecca McGill now? I suspect we'll get the answer before the season's over, but one presumes it’s a further reason for Chuck's dislike of his brother. Did Jimmy split them up, intentionally or not? Did Rebecca die? Was she perhaps even killed? Did this trauma result in Chuck's mental breakdown? Continue reading...