Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Frame Rated: BETTER CALL SAUL, 2.8 - 'Fifi'

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Yesterday at Frame Rated, I reviewed BETTER CALL SAUL's "Fifi".
We're hurtling towards the season finale now, but things remain surprisingly sedate in the world of Better Call Saul. I've heard grumblings from people that season 2's been a disappointment, but I wouldn't go that far. It's just understandably tougher to turn the life of a crooked lawyer into gripping spectacle, and the writers are alleviating this issue with a plot for Mike (Jonathan Banks) that leans heavily on associations with Breaking Bad. And this show will never be Breaking Bad. I made my peace with that from the very beginning, and suggest others do the same. Better Call Saul more a quirky character study that goes to some surprising, strange, occasionally tense places. Continue reading...