Thursday 26 July 2007

Harry Potter: "written for people whose imaginative lives are confined to TV cartoons"

Thursday 26 July 2007
I don't often plug other blogs here, but I thought I'd draw your attention to Kay Reindl's corner of cyberspace.

Kay was a staff writer on Millennium during its amazing second season... and, um, its awful third. But she didn't write an episode for season 3, so she's unblemished in my book. :)

Anyway, back in 1998, she kindly sent me a few Millennium scripts (all the way to the UK, no less!) Her kindness was instrumental in getting me interesting in screenwriting, as those scripts helped me with format and structure questions.

So, as a favour to her, I hope you'll check out her blog. She doesn't post often, but when she does it's usually in the form of enjoyable rants against the evils of Eli Roth, Heroes* and, most recently, Harry Potter. Good stuff.

* While I disagree with her hatred of Heroes, the show undoubtedly has issues with consistency, internal logic and originality. We'll see if season 2 can iron out the kinks.