Saturday 25 August 2007

TRAILER PARK: Aliens Vs Predator - Requiem

Saturday 25 August 2007
In space, no one can hear you scream. On Earth, it won't matter.

Background: A sequel to the critically-mauled box office hit Alien Vs Predator (2004), which combined movie monsters from two popular franchises, based on a 90s comic series. The Strause brothers make their directorial debut here, having previously helped create the special-effects for 300, Fantastic Four 2, X-Men III, etc.

Review: This red-band trailer (i.e, it's very graphic) is pure by-the-numbers fluff, opening with a spacecraft crashing to Earth, being discovered by contemporary townsfolk, who promptly find themselves caught in the midst of violent Predators and Aliens. There's little thought given to characterization or plot, just a ridiculous amount of action and gore onscreen. It's superficially entertaining for fans of these creatures, but don't be surprised if the trailer is every half-decent moment crammed into 2-minutes of mayhem.

Prediction: The first movie confirmed there's a big audience for this stuff, even if Alien and Predator purists rightly claim it sullies the memory of Ridley Scott's iconic '79 original, James Cameron's bombastic '86 sequel and John McTiernan's exciting '87 jungle actioner. If you enjoyed AVP for what it was, you'll definitely get a kick from this. It looks gorier, packed with twice the action, but very little brains. 24 fans will also grin to see Reiko Aylesworth doing her best Rambo impression...

Hi-Res (52 MB)
HD 720p .wmv (125MB)