Monday 18 February 2008

Poll! Poll! Poll!

Monday 18 February 2008
I don't usually like to draw attention to my polls. They just sit on the right over there, "polling" for a week or two. It's just a bit of fun...

However, this week's poll is a bit of "market research" for DMD, so I hope you'll make a special effort for me. It's basically to see which of my current TV reviews are popular -- not so I can focus on the popular ones, and ditch the rest... but so I can prioritize my writing.

I don't want to bust a gut doing a Raines review for Tuesdays if only a few people are interested. If it's the least popular review here (which I kind of suspect), I don't have to feel bad leaving it till Wednesday, or whatever. Plus, it's just interesting to see what everyone comes here to read!

And yes, I do use StatCounter, and that gives me a very good idea what visitors are looking at -- but my review of Dexter 2.5 gets a huge volume of hits... and I suspect it's only because it features a photo of Michael C. Hall in bed with Jaime Murray. You see my problem?

So, if you have time (and it takes, ooh, 3 seconds?), please submit your votes in the poll to your right. It closes on 24 Feb.

Thank you.