Saturday 5 July 2008

Russell T. Davies on keeping secrets

Saturday 5 July 2008
Doctor Who's showrunner discusses the difficulty of keeping secrets in modern-day television; an age of internet spoilers, stolen scripts, leaked photos, and where preview tapes are sent to magazines for review.

I agree with everything RTD says here: the way TV listings practically spell out a soap's weekly narrative has annoyed me for years. And the ability to avoid spoilers from US shows (without resorting to illegally downloading them a day later) also requires extreme will power if you're a fan.

Doctor Who's has been very skilled at keeping secrets this year. SPOILER ALERT. RTD allowed the "leak" about Billie Piper and Davros returning, but only so reporters wouldn't pry too deeply and uncover the fact Piper made her first appearance in episode 1, and the Doctor would regenerate in episode 12. We'll just have to see if RTD's managed the seemingly-impossible feat of casting a new actor to replace David Tennant, when Who's season 4 finale airs later tonight... SPOILER ENDS.