Wednesday 9 July 2008

"We Shall Fight Them In The TARDIS..."

Wednesday 9 July 2008
It's been 4 days since the Doctor Who finale, so time for The Sun to start publishing rumours about next year's specials. According to the tabloid, The Doctor will team-up with Winston Churchill, in another of the DW's "historical episodes" -- a la "The Unquiet Dead" (Charles Dickens), "The Shakespeare Code" (William Shakespeare) and "The Unicorn And The Wasp" (Agatha Christie).

There's the ring of truth to this. I can imagine it being proposed as a story idea, even if Who already tackled the WWII era in season 1's "The Empty Child". But before too long The Doctor will have met every mover-and-shaker in Earth's history! Still no word on who'll be writing these specials (but expect Russell T. Davies to pen the majority, if not all), or exactly how long they'll be (I'm assuming 60 minutes). Read more here.