My thoughts:
1. I really like the opening (unusual and groovy). It just leaves me utterly cold when the singing starts. The song never really gets going, does it? It just kind of drifts around for awhile, threatening to explode into life, before ending.
2. To be fair, the song has been designed to play over exciting, visually-appealing opening titles. With appropriate visuals to give it some much-needed punch, the song may work better in a visual context.
3. It's a shame they got two American artists to work on this. I have nothing against Alicia Keys and Jack White, but with so much British talent on the scene (and popular in the US, too) it's a shame they looked across the pond. Why not Oasis? Or Duffy? Leona Lewis? Nathasha Bedi-- okay, maybe not. Oh well, maybe Amy Winehouse will be clean by the time Bond 23 rolls around.
4. They didn't even try to rhyme "Quantum Of Solace". Chickens. But why pick "Another Way To Die" as a title? That's too close to Madonna's "Die Another Day" for my liking -- the Bond theme from just 5 years ago! What's next; "The World Is Close Enough"?
5. I prefer Adam & Joe's spoofs. Seriously, they're good.
What do you think? Does "Another Way To Die" leave you (angrily) shaken or (emotionally) stirred?