Another day, another piece of Doctor Who news courtesy of The Sun. However, this report is backed up by direct quotes from Russell T. Davies himself, regarding this year's Christmas Special "The Next Doctor":
"The real heart of it is the beginning. The Doctor arrives, hears a damsel in distress, he steps forward to save her when this other man swings in, dashing, brilliant, amazing, clever, witty, saves the day. The Doctor says: 'Who are you?' The man says, 'I'm the Doctor!' The Doctor becomes his companion. There will be a beautiful woman too, of course, but really it’s the Doctor paired with a new Doctor."
It seems RTD has become obsessed with the idea of multiple Time Lords! This episode follows on from the season 4 finale -- where The Doctor defeated the Daleks and Davros with the help of his half-human clone.
The "amazing, clever, witty" rescuer is being played by David Morrissey -- so does this mean Morrissey will definitely become the Eleventh Doctor some day? I don't think so. We know the threat in this year's festive special comes from the Cybermen in Victorian England. Specifically, the Cybermen from the parallel universe Rose resides in. Therefore, I'm going to assume Morrissey's "next" Doctor is the eleventh regeneration from THAT dimension, not our own.
RTD also revealed how Kate Winslet refused to play The Doctor's wife in season 4 (a role that eventually went to Alex Kingston). Shame, really -- I think she'd have been very good.