2008 is nearly over and many TV shows are winding up (for the year, or just until after Christmas), in order to make room for festive specials and give its staff a break. Therefore, I have time to write more directly to the readers of this 'ere blog, before signing off myself at the weekend. And I thought it might be a good idea to ask for feedback on DMD.
What do you like? What don't you like? What could be improved? What would you like to see included? That sort of thing. Based on comments and page-hit stats I have a fair idea what's "popular", but these things only tell you so much. I mean, lots of people read my Dexter reviews, but hardly anyone comments on them. So are they "popular" in the sense that people read and enjoy them? Or do they just appear early in a Google search and attract a hit?
So, just to help me lay the groundwork for 2009, it would be nice to hear what people love, like, hate or feel indifferent about. Especially regarding: the box-office charts on Friday, Monday's TV Picks for the week, the monthly compilation of DVD/Blu-ray release dates, the occasional movie trailer reviews, and other more "specialized" elements of DMD.
Do you miss the voting poll? How's the loading time for DMD? Is the new template still ticking your boxes? Do you ever visit Newslite.tv for my capsule reviews every Sunday? Should I do more movie reviews? More box-set reviews? Should more British shows be reviewed, or is the US/UK balance about right? Would you like to see more stuff on podcasts, books, comics, or radio? How about more links to internet goodies?
All comments welcome, particularly from people who have never commented before. It's very easy, so don't be shy! I really do listen and will try to adjust DMD accordingly for 2009. Try not to be too harsh, though :-)