Well, it seems the plan to cram 2009 with Doctor Who specials (replacing a full season) has been dealt a blow. Gareth Roberts, who is co-writing the second special with Russell T. Davies, has confirmed that their episode won't air until Christmas '09. Thankfully, the first special, "Planet Of The Dead", is still scheduled for Easter, despite problems involving a damaged London bus in Dubai that resulted in last-minute rewrites and delays.
Now, I'm not sure if this means the Roberts/RTD special will become the annual Christmas Special, but it sure sounds that way. I would therefore assume the third special will air in February 2010, more as a primer for Matthew Smith taking over the role in March/April? Does that sound like a reasonable assumption to make? Or will they just save the cash and forget about another special, meaning David Tennant's Doctor has only two more adventures before he regenerates?
In related news, if you haven't already heard, Stephen Moffat has confirmed the TARDIS is going to be given a revamp for season 5. The interior will become ultra-modern and high-tech, while the outside will be spruced up because Doctor Who has started filming in HD. Oddly, Torchwood has been HD since it began, so Who is playing catch-up in that respect.
Meanwhile, it's now seems very likely that Heroes will be back for a fourth season of 18-20 episodes, according to NBC's Entertainment President Angela Bromstad. Part of the network's decision, in the face of dwindling ratings this year, is its international appeal and strong sales around the world. It's not confirmed just yet, but only a catastrophic plunge in ratings would usher in cancellation.