Saturday 28 March 2009

I'm Back (well, sort of...)

Saturday 28 March 2009
Well, I'm physically back tomorrow, if truth be told. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the bread-crumbed reviews I scattered on the blog while I was away this week. As usual, I appear to have had more hits being away than I ever have being around. I should disappear more often! I assume that's because people check for updates more regularly when there aren't many?

Anyway... right now I'm fine-tuning a 2000+ word review of Battlestar Galactica's series finale, I'm two-thirds through writing my Watchmen review, and need to catch-up with last week's Flight Of The Conchords, Breaking Bad, Mad Men and Heroes. And then there's Damages and Lost to watch tomorrow. Oh yes, not to mention Robin Hood and Primeval start tonight, so I'll have to get round to reviewing those, too! So yes, it will be a very busy week of blogging to catch-up with things I missed -- perhaps meaning a few "double-bill" reviews. Or slight delays. I'm sure you understand!