Fortunately, for Jack and the storyline, it's not contagious, but he's forced to sit out this hour's events back at the FBI Field Office, where Renee (Annie Wersching) is clearly upset that Jack's noble actions have been repaid so cruelly. Of course, we know there's an eighth season in the works, so I doubt Jack's going to die... but, will there be a special antidote he'll need to find? Or are Jack's antibodies currently torturing the contagion into submission?
Elsewhere, Tony (Carlos Bernard) has been captured by Starkwood agents and taken to their massive compound on US soil, apparently full of 1,500 highly-trained mercenaries. The closest 24 has ever come to a Bond-style "villan's lair" in many ways. Jonas Hodges (John Voight) wants Tony to reveal how much the government know about their plans for his weapon, but Tony's unwilling to talk, even under duress. Truth is, they don't know much about anything! For Tony, hope may be at hand from one of Hodges' aides, Greg Seaton (Rory Cochrane), who's been having second-thoughts about his boss' crazy plan to attack their own country -- but he'll only help Tony escape if he's guaranteed immunity by President Taylor (Cherry Jones).
Incidentally, what exactly is Jonas' plan? We know he's a patriot and doesn't like the new President, but what does he hope to achieve by threatening eastern cities with his bioweapon? I guess that's all to come, but just recently this whole Starkwood threat has felt a little unsure of itself. Still, once Larry's (Jeffrey Nordling) crack team arrive at Starkwood in their choppers to help Tony locate the bioweapon, only to find themselves surrounded by Starkwood soldiers willing to open fire on Federal agents (with Hodges on the other side of the compound, having bought some time), there was a strong feeling of uncertainty about where all this might lead. Day 7 as a whole has avoided many of the usual pitfalls 24 falls into (yes, even during the Emmy-winning fifth year) and that's been a crucial part of its success for me.

Overall, "11:00PM - 12:00AM" may have sidelined Jack, but the story was more than capable of picking up the slack and providing another tense hour of television. Hopefully we'll get some sense of Jonas' motivation soon, and any explanation for Jack's recover won't strain credibility too much, but everything else feels like it's on course for an exciting final third.
6 April 2009
Sky1, 9pm
Writers: Manny Coto & Brannon Braga
Director: Jon Cassar
Cast: Kiefer Sutherland (Jack), Carlos Bernard (Tony), Jeffrey Nordling (Larry), Annie Wersching (Renee), John Voight (Jonas), Cherry Jones (President Taylor), Sprague Grayden (Olivia), Janeane Garofalo (Janis), Rocky McMurray (General Vincent), Peter Onorati (Agent Remick), Gabriel Casseus (Galvez), Emil Beheshti (Biohazard Agent), Chris Erric Maddox (Sangalan Rebel), Carshenah Jefferson (Sangalan Villager #2), Jermel Nakia (Sangalan #3), Constance Ejuma (Sangalana Villager #4), Artel Kayaru (Sangalana Villager #5), Dotan Baer (Starkwoof Air Traffic Control), Ned Bellamy (Cabinet Minister), Philip Anthony-Rodriguez (Tom Chapman), Glenn Morshower (Aaron Pierce), Christina Chang (Dr. Sunny Macer), Rory Cochrane (Greg Seaton), Frank John Hughes (Tim Woods), Michael Rodrick (Stokes), Scott Lawrence (Ben Landry) & Ryan Cutrona (Admiral Smith)