Wednesday 15 April 2009

Sarah Connor: Terminated?

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Michael Ausiello is reporting (well, speculating thanks to inside gossip) that Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is almost certainly cancelled. Fox won't make a decision public until 18 May, but that's the word on the street. I have to say, I'm disappointed. Fortunately, season 2 ended very cleverly -- in a way that can be perceived as a series end (for your imagination to carve a relatively "happy ending"), but also as a season end (for fans to forever speculate about what season 3 might have given us.) Oh yeah, and the last three episodes (which begin this Thursday in the UK) are damn good. I'm glad T:tSCC overcame its mid-season slump to go out fighting.

Please, NO SPOILERS in the comments below about events in "To The Lighthouse", "Adam Raised A Cain" and "Born To Run", as we're following T:tSCC at the British pace here at DMD... but, how do you feel about perhaps losing this show?

Update: Writer-producer Ashley Edward Miller has "tweeted" on this news, saying: "Time for Ausiello's semi-annual SCC termination report. False again. (Remember 'sets were destroyed' report? Now you know context, people)." So... it may still be back! Keep 'em crossed.