Monday, 4 May 2009

All Grown Up #3

Monday, 4 May 2009
This is the last in the features' trial-run. The response hasn't been great (despite the posts being popular), so there's no point flogging a dead horse. Maybe y'all love this feature but never know the answer, but I would've expect more guesses. I can only judge a quiz's popularity on how many readers play, see.

Last week, Carl corrected guessed again that this guy was Noah Hathaway (a.k.a boy adventurer Atreyu from The Neverending Story). Well done, Carl! Can he make it three for three?

This week's is quite easier, so there's no way most people reading wouldn't know the answer. So, answer quick! To your left is a photo of a child star who's now all grown up. The question is: who is it?

Guesses in the comments area. If people seem stuck, or there's been no response for hours, I will offer a clue. But, I reckon this one's too easy. Anyone?