There's a surfeit of new TV shows on the way that I'm keen to see (some brand new, others returning) in March/April. In fact, owing to this massive increase in shows, I'll probably have to adjust my review output again, or wait for the British debut of a few favourites. If you're interested, here's what I have my eye on, in chronological order of premiere:
The Pacific (14 March, HBO) I'll definitely be tackling this Band Of Brothers "sequel", which I'm sure will be spectacular. Sky Movies are showing it in the UK, which I don't have, so I'll instead be following at US-pace.
Justified (16 March, FX) A brand new series, so I'll assess the pilot and perhaps a few episodes if I'm impressed, before deciding whether or not to continue reviewing it. This stars Timothy Olyphant as a tough Sheriff, based on a character written by author Elmore Leonard, so it sounds right up my alley.
FlashForward (18 March, ABC) I think I'll stick with it, mainly because I'm intrigued to see what a creative rethink has achieved while it's been on extended hiatus. I'll definitely be reviewing at the UK-pace if Five are again days behind ABC's schedule. But, expect to see this show fall to the wayside if it continues to run so hot and cold.
Breaking Bad (21 March, AMC) I will undoubtedly be reviewing this show's third season at US-pace, in the usual manner and depth.
Nurse Jackie (22 March, SHOWTIME) I've recently finished season 1 on BBC HD, and grew to quite like it. It certainly got better as it went along and I'd adjusted to the style, but I don't think I'm that interested to continue at US-pace. Similarly to Mad Men, I can wait for the BBC.
V (30 March, ABC) Sure, I'll continue watching and reviewing to see if the new creative direction improves on the first four episodes (which weren't awful, just underwhelming.)
Fringe (1 April, FOX) I'll be continuing my regular season 2 reviews, which have been a bit shorter this year (reflecting a hum of boredom that's set in for me.) If Sky air episodes a few days after Fox, expect me to follow at UK-pace.
Stargate Universe (2 April, SYFY) Nope, sorry, I don't intend to start reviewing this show, having already bailed at episode 6. Howeber, this would be a great show to offer up to another "guest reviewer" (a la Desperate Housewives and Skins), so if you're interested let me know.
Doctor Who (3 April, BBC1) What do you think? Yes, I'll be posting weekend reviews when Matt Smith finally makes his debut at the Time Lord. It would be insane not to. Tennant who?
Treme (11 April, HBO) A group of jazz musicians try to rebuild their lives post-Hurricane Katrina, from the creator of The Wire. I'm sure it'll be quality stuff, but that premise doesn't grab me in the slightest. I think I'll watch and (maybe) review the pilot, then see how I feel. I don't expect to be adding this as a regular thing, though.
Glee (13 April, FOX) While I've enjoyed watching season 1 on E4 these past few months, I'm not that impressed to continue "volume 2" at US-pace. If E4 aren't too far behind Fox, I'll certainly keep watching at UK-pace. If not, well, I'll wait for E4 to resume the show later.