Tuesday 8 June 2010

Russell T. Davies and Starz chief Chris Albrecht discuss Torchwood

Tuesday 8 June 2010

The Hollywood Reporter have brief interviews with Starz honcho Chris Albrecht and Russell T. Davies about the new BBC/Starz partnership with Torchwood. As expected, it looks like it'll be set in America, continue from "Children Of Earth", add American characters to work alongside Captain Jack and Gwen, and have a larger budget.

I'm actually very interested in this Anglo-American deal. Anyone else get the feeling Torchwood's going to sever its ties with Doctor Who now, because it would be too difficult to avoid treading on Steven Moffat's toes? There will probably be occasional references and in-jokes, but it feels like Torchwood's moving out of its sibling's shadow now.

In principle, I like the idea of giving Torchwood an international feel and a bigger budget, too. None of that concerns me, it's actually quite exciting. I don't think the show ever quite avoided looking a bit silly because of its Cardiff setting, although there's valid concerns that part of Torchwood's charm was its Britishness. I know American fans enjoyed the "foreign" feel the show had for them (all those Welsh accents!), but now its uniqueness in the crowed sci-fi marketplace might be spoiled.

And I assume RTD's going to have a proper Writers' Room to run? I can't see why not, so it'll be particularly interesting to see how that impacts creativity. For the first time we'll be able to judge a show that's been made under the British and American TV systems. Tighter story arc's, consistency, and a more cohesive feel between episodes?