Saturday, 5 March 2011

Live-stream: '24 Hour Panel People'

Saturday, 5 March 2011

As part of the events planned for this year's Comic Relief, comedian David Walliams is participating in a 24-hour marathon of classic British comedy panel shows. 24 Hour Panel People is currently live-streaming (well, with a 10-minute delay) to the whole world, so there are hours of entertainment available right now, until noon tomorrow (6 March).

This may be of interest to many of you reading in the UK, but also around the world. I know the whole "comedy panel show" format is pretty much non-existent in America, so it may be particular fun for Americans to tune in. If a little puzzling because you won't recognize many of the panel shows and celebrities involved!

A full list of the panel shows being played can be viewed here.

Of course, Walliams' day-long marathon is about raising money, so why not also donate to Comic Relief while you're at it? It'll make you feel all warm and squidgy inside.