The year is 2517 A.D. Mankind has colonized a new star system; terra-forming planets and moons to resemble the Dust Bowl of the United States. Not intentionally, one hopes. Adding a soupçon of melancholy is how these new worlds exist in the aftermath of a conflict between the victorious "Alliance" (comprised of Earth's American and Chinese superpowers) and the defeated "Browncoats" of outlying worlds who fought for independence.
As you'd expect from the wordsmith behind Buffy and Angel, Firefly's whip-smart, littered with fresh creative choices, polished dialogue and a knowing approach to the clichés of its genre. "Whedonesque" patois can occasionally turn characters into glove puppets spouting witticisms, but it's the same kind of heightened reality Quentin Tarantino imprints on his own litany of characters. You may sense that every ad lib Cap'n Mal delivers has been chewed on for days in the mind of a stressed-out staff writer, but diamonds need crushing.
Firefly's premise is similar to that of Blake's 7 (does Whedon take regular inspiration from British classics, as his subsequent Dollhouse also evolved the concept of Gerry Anderson's Joe 90?), and succeeds in delivering an immediate sense of camaraderie from its crew. Indeed, the cast slot together like they've spent years in each other's company. When you recall how long it took most of Trek's spin-offs to develop tangible chemistry, it's incredible how quickly Firefly's gang become a "family" to really care about. The excellent casting should take most of the credit; a group of relatively unknown actors at the turn-of-the-century, who've mostly gone on to bigger, if not necessarily better, things. Only a few are likely condemned to a Galaxy Quest-style existence of fan conventions; but I'll leave you to decide which ones will be brushing up their own Grabthar's Hammer speeches in 20 years...
Alleviating some of that, the basic concept is crystal clear and engaging: a motley crew of "space pirates" smuggle contraband while avoiding the "space navy" and any ne'er-do-well rivals. But given the fact Fox inexplicably decided not to air Firefly's pilot first, it's little wonder audiences were bewildered by the show's jumble of influences, styles and ideas--which range from Star Wars, Star Trek, Cowboy Bebop and Red Dwarf, to Mad Max, Buck Rogers and, perhaps, '80s cartoon BraveStarr?
But boy-oh-boy, that cast is golden: Fillion, face as bug-like as Mal's beloved ship, channels a wittier Han Solo; moon--faced Glau debuts the "violent swan" act she's reprised to various degrees ever since; Baldwin's essentially playing the tougher, dumber, unscrupulous younger brother of Casey from Chuck; Tudyk's a bundle of amusing tic's and twitchy energy as the prodigious pilot with a Hawaiian shirt obsession; Torres personifies quiet, feminine toughness with her lethal quick draw and bee-stung lips; Glass makes for a pleasantly whimsical, genial "mystic"; then-newcomer Baccarin manages to turn a potentially uncomfortable live-in "geisha" into a beguiling character of subtle depth; Staite initially annoyed me as a perky grease monkey, but became rather adorable; Glass is effortlessly likable, even if his character suffers from the least development (a late-season reveal he has scarily long hair is about it); and Maher just about manages to avoid becoming a total drip as the dependable doc--although he remains less of a foil for Mal than I think was intended. A few of the relationships also feel relatively fresh in a space-faring context--with brother/sister and husband/wife duo's involved, both afforded opportunities to act those roles naturally.
Perhaps Firefly's brevity and network mistreatment worked in its favour, helping it find unexpected success on DVD? The show had a fantastic excuse for failure with Fox's disorderly scheduling, and never lasted long enough to face creative struggles. "Live fast, die young, and leave a good-looking corpse", as the saying goes, and that's exactly what Firefly did--whether it wanted to, or not. At least people still visit its grave and leave flowers.
written by Joss Whedon, Tim Minear, Jane Espenson, Drew Z. Greenberg, Ben Edlund, Jose Molina, Cheryl Cain & Brett Matthews / directed by Joss Whedon, Tim Minear, Vern Gillum, Michael Grossman, Vondie Curtis-Hall, Marita Grabiak, David Solomon, Allan Kroeker, Jim Contner & Thomas J. Wright
"Serenity" (***), "The Train Job" (**½), "Bushwacked" (**), "Shindig" (*½), "Safe" (**), "Our Mrs Reynolds" (***), "Jaynestown" (**½), "Out Of Gas" (***½), "Ariel" (***), "War Stories" (***), "Trash" (**½), "The Message" (**), "Hearts Of Gold" (**), "Objects In Space" (**½)
Screenshots kindly provided by Tyler Scruggs.