It opened with the first of three unforgettable scenes. This one unequivocally heralding the dominance of Walt's alter ego "Heisenberg" as a force to be reckoned with; taking charge of a meeting with the Phoenix cartel and convinced them to become his distributors for a 35% take of the profits, and replace the retiring Mike as a business partner in the process. We've seen Walt in many of these tense desert stand-offs before, with armed men assembled around parked cars making threats and talking tough, but Walt's usually the one gabbling for his life or on his knees begging for a second chance. How times have change. Walt's now the one in control, putting himself across with calm conviction and even exploiting the currency of his pseudonym "Heisenberg" to visibly unsettle people. This was also the first time he took public accountability for killing Gus Fring, which helped persuade his rivals that they shouldn't mess with him and accept what's clearly a fantastic offer of partnership. I had to laugh at the balls on Walt to even risk making Declan (Louis Ferreira) say his name aloud, just to underscore who's the boss.

Mike's made a big impression since he first arrived as a nondescript "fixer" to clear up Jesse's apartment in season 2, and "Say My Name" gave him a suitably tragic exit. His relationship with Walt has always been bad, as he's the only character to recognise the danger of Walt's character flaws or those around him, so it was only right Mike should be undone by Walt. Arriving to hand Mike his "go bag" of emergency documents to flee the country, Walt simply couldn't stomach Mike's home truths as parting words, and shot Mike in the belly through the window of his car. Mike managed a short-lived getaway while injured, abandoning his car near a river, but was forced to sit on a riverbank and await his death.

Elsewhere in the episode, I thought the confrontation between Walt and Jesse was a definite highlight—with Walt desperately trying to keep Jesse onside. He even offered him the chance to run his own cook. To Jesse's credit, he remained resolute, even turning his back on the millions he's owed just to escape being dragged down by Walt any longer. Knowing we still have a half-season to go, Jesse will most likely be back cooking before too long, but I'm not sure exactly why; unless money is more of a motivator for Jesse than he lets on. But for now, Walt has Todd (Jesse Plemons) as Jesse's replacement, who's surprisingly focused and determined to get the cooks right (even forgoing payment until he's proficient), so I wonder if Jesse's burned his bridges forever. It also speaks volumes about Walt; being open to working with a child-killing scum like Todd, despite claiming he's sickened and haunted by what Todd did. I guess he's not appalled enough to stop working, closely, with the guy.
It was also good to see Hank facing difficulties at work because he's focusing too much on what his superior believes is a dead investigation into Mike Ehrmantraut, and as the new ASAC he's not giving enough attention to his other responsibilities. Of course, now his hunch about tailing Wachsberger has paid off, maybe Hank will be given leeway again... but, with Mike now out of the picture, Hank's soon going to be back to square one unless he can get Mike's "nine men" to flip before, one assumes, Walt resumes paying them off with the help of Lydia and Saul.
Overall, "Say My Name" was remarkable television; terrific drama and white-knuckle tension, given voice through amazing performances and punchy surprises. Once again, things have changed completely since the premiere. Walt now has the beginnings of his drug empire in place, but must scramble to ensure the "legacy" of Fring's business doesn't bite him on the arse, especially now Mike's not around to take care of that end; Jesse's out of the meth business, perhaps for good; while Hank's undoubtedly going to be invigorated about his blue-meth crusade after being proven right about Mike. Oh, and Lydia may become a bigger factor on the show if she's the only thing keeping the DEA from sniffing out Walt as Fring's successor.
Truly incredible stuff, and there's still next week's mid-season finale to come.
written & directed by Thomas Schnauz / 26 August 2012 / AMC