DON'T continue reading if you don't want to know, although God knows how you're going to avoid this news for the next eight months...
Three famous actors will be joining Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman in the 50th Anniversary special (which is now confirmed as being 90-minutes long and filmed in 3D).
And they are...
Renowned actor John Hurt (Alien), original nu-Who companion Billie Piper, and ex-Doctor David Tennant.
Yes, that's right! After months of speculation, Tennant appears to be coming back to the role that made him famous after a 7-year absence. And with his most popular companion in tow--unless you were a big Catherine Tate fan. Who knows what Hurt will be doing, but he is the kind of actor who would make a good elder Time Lord. Is writer Steven Moffat planning a Timothy Dalton-esque role for him?
Of course, we don't know if Tennant will be the only ex-Doctor making an appearance. Sylvester McCoy seems to be hanging around the BBC a fair bit recently, right? There's a small chance more of Smith's predecessors will be added to the cast list over the next few months, but at the very least a 'Two Doctors' storyline feels likely now.
Doctor Who's 50th anniversary special will premiere later this year (most likely around the 23 November), with a limited cinema release across the world.