It all sounds very worrying to me. I'm not even very keen on Stephen King writing an unnecessary sequel to The Shining, entitled Doctor Sleep. If they're going to cash-in on The Shining name, why not just make King's own sequel into a movie?
As a massive fan of Stanley Kubrick's 1980 horror (it's my favourite movie), the idea of a prequel sounds ludicrous. I don't see any other option available to the makers of The Overlook Hotel, beyond doing a "haunted hotel" 1920s drama (the era of the people who were haunting Jack Nicholson's character). I understand some things have a pop-culture cachet that helps sell them (and you need all the help you can get in today's crowded marketplace), but you risk tarnishing a legendary movie by proxy with this. Oh well.
To be positive, the listed producers are behind some good movies and Mazzara's a decent choice to write something like this, so maybe something good will come of it.