Tuesday 13 August 2013

MSN TV: AMC's BREAKING BAD, 5.9 - 'Blood Money'

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Over at MSN today: I've reviewed the incredible mid-season premiere of BREAKING BAD's fifth season, "Blood Money", which is streaming on Netflix UK and Blinkbox soon after its US transmission on AMC.
One of the great television injustices has been Breaking Bad's treatment by UK broadcasters, with Fox (formerly FX) and 5USA doing a poor job publicising it when the series aired here years ago. It's quite simply one of the best TV shows of the past decade, and arguably one of the all-time greats. More accessible than The Wire and more riveting than The Sopranos, Breaking Bad has at least achieved cult status on British shores (thanks to the online community's adoration), and I'm overjoyed Netflix and Blinkbox secured deals to stream the last episodes so close to US transmission. What's more, it has blasted its way back on to AMC, its US cable network home, with record ratings of nearly 6m viewers.

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