Thursday 6 March 2014


Thursday 6 March 2014

NBC already found their Constantine in Welsh actor Matt Ryan (avoiding the ire of comic-books who grumbled about an Americanisation of the character in the Keanu Reeves-starring movie), but now they've cast the other regulars...

Harold Perrineau (Lost, Sons of Anarchy) will play a body-jumping angel called Manny, who acts as Constantine's guardian; and Lucy Griffiths (Robin Hood, True Blood) will play Liv, an "offbeat" young woman with the ability to see the supernatural world, who teams up with Constantine after he's marked for death by a powerful demon. Finally, Charles Halford (True Detective) is playing Constantine's oldest friend and companion, Chas—the role played by Shia LaBeouf in the 2005 movie.

That's not a bad line-up, all things considered. I like Perrineau and Griffiths in particular, although the latter wasn't so great in True Blood. (But that's the show that makes Emmy-winner Anna Paquin look very weak most of the time). Griffiths is also remarkably similar-looking to Rachel Weisz, who was the love-interest in the earlier movie, so maybe Liv will be filling that same role in the TV series? Also amusing to note that Perrineau was the lead in the  2007 pilot Demons from CBS, which owed a debt to Constantine.